StorePorter uses CursorAdaptor Technology that virtually eliminates issues stemming from corrupted indexes by building new indexes on the fly each time data is accessed. In the unlikely event you notice missing or incorrectly linked records, StorePorter has a tool that can quickly rebuild all of it's database indexes. Under the tools menu there is an option called: Reindex
This option requires exclusive access to the database so all other users need to be out of StorePorter. After you choose the option for Reindex, check the All Tables box, pack will already be selected. Pack will remove any of the records that have already been marked for deletion. In some rare cases those records can be used to diagnose database issues or recover data that has been inadvertently deleted. If might be the case un-check the pack and click the Reindex button.
A progress bar will appear, if you have a very small database or a very fast computer, you may not notice it.
Once the index is complete you will be returned to the main screen.