- Image URL(you must enter a URL for the image. This will be added once the address is resolved. These images should be located within the BigCommerce domain of your website or they can be problematic for visitors to your site. Often other site hosts may disapprove of using their URL's for images in other domains so it is highly recommended that any embedded images are procured and added into the WebDAV content folder of your domain
a URL will be automatically created with file name that is in your folder please insure that these are internet address safe file names that do not contain spaces or special characters that may cause the address to be un-resolvable. The URL created for the image will be your site's domain name followed by a (backslash) /content/ ie: https://store-ucds3lk.mybigcommerce.com/content/embedded2.jpg. You can create sub-folders for your images, just add the additional folder path to the URL
- Decorative Image After the URL is resolved you can choose to make the image Decorative which does not require alternate text
- Alternate text This text is displayed if the user's browser cannot resolve the URL address
- Width and Height can be changed to your preference it will constrain aspect proportions if it is selected below
- Constrain proportions Retains aspect ratio for size changes
Image Properties Drop Down Box
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